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7 Jul 2011

Join The Set: The Multiplication On The Set

This time we will discuss the multiplication on the set or the more frequently heard hipunan join. Multiple purpose here is not like multiplying 2 x 3 = 5, but we are combining two or more sets.

For example we have set A and B, A × B means the set of all ordered pairs with the first element of each pair selected from A and the second element selected from B.

A: {1,2,3} and B: {a, b, c},
then A x B = {(1, a), (1, b), (1, c), (2, a), (2, b), (2, c), (3, a), (3 , b), (3, c)}

After getting the process that occurs over and over - again we can make a program using nested loops. That loop is in the loop. I made ​​it like this:

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